Saturday, June 13, 2015

Why So Many Are Surfing the Anti Religion Wave?

It is all the rage today to be anti-religion. Even some Christians say "It isn't about religion, it's about a relationship, a relationship with God." Well, who doesn't want a relationship?

Like marriage.

That institution has also become a victim of attack in today's culture.

Once a relationship involves commitment, rules, responsibilities and accountability, some people look for a way out and others decide not to enter in.

Many, like this cartoon illustrates, do not oppose the core teachings of religion. I think the crux of the matter is that the teachings of Christianity are connected to a system that includes commitment, responsibility,  and accountability.  Those who are anti-religion are really anti the restrictions these virtues put upon their vices.

Anti-religion Christians remind me of those prisoner of war movies where the German guards make the Jewish prisoners carry anti-Jewish signs and chant anti-Jewish slogans. The difference being that what the Jews did unwillingly under the threat of death, the anti-religion Christians do willingly, under the delusion that it will make them and their faith more popular.

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